Tips to planning to live a balanced life after being traumatized in toxic relationships


After leaving or going through a few toxic relationships it can leave you feeling depleted.  You may have lost a few things financially, time, courage, and sense of worth.  You still have a purpose and much to give to this world starting with your circle moving outward.  Sometimes starting from zero is what you need to rebuild your healthy balanced life.

Here are few tips to get started with putting your life on track

 1.  Start with formulating your daily self care routine: doing things that bring you joy and peace.  (Long baths, walks, arts/crafts, gardening or planning a vacation).  Creating a daily schedule as a guid to keep you on track with your time, sleep, and eating habits is a great place to start.

Need some items in the area of  Self Care Products ?

2.  Surround yourself with people that uplift and encourage you.  Step out on a limb and try something different.  Create an online group, and maybe consider meeting in person.  Join an exercise class or gardening club.

3.  Become secure and grounded in your Spiritual practices.  Do you meditate?  Have you considered visiting churches? 

4.  Let go of any guilty feelings  or regret.  They do not serve you.  Focus on the positive things and blessings that have come from the experience.  How can you help others?

5.  Stay focused on healing yourself before attempting a new relationship.  It is so important to find out what may have attracted the the toxic person, and allow yourself plenty of time to fully heal so you don't miss possible warning signs moving forward.

Natural and  Pure Essential Oils can assist in healing on various levels.

6.  Avoid thoughts of revenge as Karma and vengeance as it will be better served up by GOD.  Many times the Karma is the toxic person losing a great person from their life.  Know that everyone will receive back everything they put out into the universe and more.  Use your positive energy to heal and build your healthier balanced life.

7.  Extinguishing all contact immediately from your abuser(s) will help with the healing process.  When at all possible block all contact; avoid checking their social media accounts; let them go completely.

8.  Allow your heart to break, and the pain you move through will be a sign of healing. It will sting for a moment, but in time you will have clarity on your future interactions and decisions .

9.  Know that you are not alone.  There is support if you choose to seek it.  There are many that have been affected by toxic people.  Do not allow yourself to feel less than because you became a victim of a toxic person.  Now is the time to break free so you are not a #Volunteer.

Do you wish to seek more support and discuss how Life planning and coaching after trauma can improve your life moving forward?

10.  Do not play the tapes of the drama and pain over and over in your head.  Divert your thoughts healing,  and think about how you may help others.  Helping others not only takes the focus away from your pain but allows you pay it forward .

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to after a series of events that may have left you questioning yourself.  Book a FREE Chat to discuss your healing journey

Feel free to post questions and concerns to this post.


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