
Showing posts with the label balanced lifestyle

Tips to planning to live a balanced life after being traumatized in toxic relationships

STARTING FROM ZERO! After leaving or going through a few toxic relationships it can leave you feeling depleted.  You may have lost a few things financially, time, courage, and sense of worth.  You still have a purpose and much to give to this world starting with your circle moving outward.  Sometimes starting from zero is what you need to rebuild your healthy balanced life. Here are few tips to get started with putting your life on track  1.  Start with formulating your daily self care routine : doing things that bring you joy and peace.  (Long baths, walks, arts/crafts, gardening or planning a vacation).  Creating a daily schedule as a guid to keep you on track with your time, sleep, and eating habits is a great place to start. Need some items in the area of   Self Care Products  ? 2.  Surround yourself with people that uplift and encourage you.  Step out on a limb and try something different.  Create an online group, and maybe consider meeting in person.  Join an exercise class or g

Balanced Living Concept for Parents raising children - Organization is KEY!

      As we all are experiencing the digital age and instant gratification demands placed on us by society. It is important to set healthy boundaries and plans to avoid burn out.  A great rule is to plan and organize your life, and teach your kids to do the same. SELF-CARE -  It is important to avoid neglecting your self-care.  You must make it a priority to refill your cup daily because running on fumes creates a challenging environment.   Consider starting your day by practicing gratitude and meditation Participate in something you enjoy daily.  (Reading, Gardening, Writing, Cooking, etc.) Take some down time daily, start with 15 minutes daily.  You may want to practice focused breathing, take a bath; sit quietly and practice mindfulness for starters. Books and Self Care Products TIME MANAGEMENT -  Penciling in your daily routine on a digital or physical calendar helps to keep the family organized, and allows you to see where there is room for flexibility. Put all appointments in a s

Life Coaching and Planning

Image Relationship Recovery & Rebuilding Balanced Lives Live and Virtual Life Coaching  Individual Life Coaching-   One on One support to establish and achieve goals resulting in becoming whole and living a balanced lifestyle. Weekly sessions, 45 minutes each, by  call or video chat to discuss all life planning goals  *Daily motivational posts and access to online groups * Options available allowing scheduling within  30 days of consultation to  also include a 6 month commitment * Schedule Now   - Free initial meeting to discuss your current path and goals you wish to achieve Group Life Coaching-   Focus on overcoming emotional set backs caused by involvement in toxic relationships; set and achieve goals related to bringing lives back into a state of organic wellness and wholeness in a group setting. Monthly votes on community based group projects. Weekly meetings held Wednesdays- 9-1030 a.m. or Thursdays 4-530 p.m. * Options available allowing scheduling  within

Ways to get Better Sleep

  Many of us suffer from lack of good quality sleep.  There are a few things that will aid in better sleep.  The first thing is the commitment to giving yourself a minimum of 21 days to create new habits. With the busy lifestyles we often lead, fast food has become a go-to option for many of us.  By doing some meal planning and prep in advance you can have healthier choices by dining at home.  You can start by making a menu of seven days worth of meals and snacks, shop, and prep for the week.  When it comes time to cook, the guess work is out of the equation.  You will appreciate your efforts,  and your body will to. Having a set bed time and working towards meeting that schedule will be rewarding.  Many of us can "get by" on a few hours of sleep, but in the long run it causes problems in the department of anxiety, hunger hormones, short tempers, agitation, weight gain to name a few.  Try achieving the goal of eight hours of sleep per night.  It may be the best challenge you

Guided Tours on your ever changing "New Normal" Life Journey

Schedule your FREE appointment to discuss where YOU want to go with your life, and how we can work together to make it happen. Appointment requests accepted by Email: 📧 ✉ 📨 📩 📧  Text: 775-400-1184 Schedule your 45 minute appointment dedicated to talking all about you and your life challenges  and goals.