
Showing posts from October, 2019

Self Care is an important element to your daily life

It's okay to invest in your self care. Having dedicated time set aside for yourself enriches your emotional well being. Order Online, Free shipping available: Think about developing a routine to nourish your self care. * Consider setting alarms a half hour to a hour earlier *  Listen to spiritual or meditation music * Jot down morning thoughts in a journal or tablet bedside * Recite 10 things you are grateful for * Pray and/or meditate These suggestions can also be done 1/2 hour- 1 hour before bed or upon wake up. Avoid: Negative thoughts * Let Go of the stressors of yesterday * Make peace before bed * Remind yourself of your strengths * Think of how you can encourage others Quick recharges: * Treat yourself to a bubble bath * At Sink, Wet wash cloth with hot water, wipe over face, neck, arms slowly * Enjoy a cup of tea * Slowly massage yourself as you put on lo

Getting back on track or just starting out with Organics?

Making life changes are gradual to be substainable.  Using organic foods has many benefits, but can be costly. When you look at it from a medical point of view, not incorporating organics can lead to healthy medical bills. * Organic Carrots, Potatoes, and Composting What are organic foods?  Simply stated,  organic produce  and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. ...  Organic  meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy  products  come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.  Ingredients were Incorporated in this braised beef, candied carrots and potatoes dinner. Incorporating slowly with family support can be rewarding on many levels.  Want help? Schedule your free Information Session Today,

Would you like to save money on your lodging when traveling?

AirBnB provides an awesome community to save money and meet wonderful hosts.   AirBnB information and an opportunity to book your stay at a discount   Time to get traveling and lodging at affordable pricing.  Happy Traveling.

What is a Holistic Life Coach?

Integrative Life Coach= helps guide clients to work towards achieving Balance in all aspects of life Together we will: Set your personal goals, work towards sustainable change, help achieve balance within your current lifestyle encompassing, Career, Finances,  Relationships, Spirituality,  "Me Time", Health and Wellness.

Growing your own food can prove to beneficial to your health in many ways

Growing your own food starts with quality soil.  Organic soil is preferred due less toxins being exposed to your body.  A good way to start preparing your soil with little cost is to begin with your kitchen scraps and start composting.  By composting you have a continuous supply of quality fertilized soil full of dense nutrients for you to consume. Kitchen scraps to use in compost and regrowing Coffee grinds  Tea bags Hair from brushes Used paper towels with no meat or toxic chemical exposure Vegetable scraps from cooking (always raw only, and No potato peels) Fruit peels and cores Egg shells- adds calcium to the soil that will be absorbed by the food you eat Non colored cardboard Newspaper and shredded paper, non colored Red worms to speed up composting and add more nutrients Red Worms are a great additive to creating a quality soil environment whether you are growing in pots or the ground.  They are natural tillers, and their castings (worm poop) is an excellent fer

Crusade For Critical Corrections-Reintegration

FALL NEWSLETTER TO INMATES October 11, 2019 Greetings Everyone and Happy Fall! As we reach out to you, we are hoping things are going as well as can be expected. There are hopes that you are settling into your Fall season just fine. Here in the Greater Sierra Nevada region it has become quite chilly. How are things in your neck of the woods? Reading Materials There have been various magazines ordered as of last month. Please write in if you have not received something by October 31, 2019. What are some reading materials you would like to receive if we are able to get those to you? Are you reading anything at the current time? Would you care to share what you like or don’t like about your current reading materials? Would you be interested in joining our bookclub? If so, please submit two possible books you would like to read and share with others . Life Coaching and Connections: As we move in a direction that leads to self sufficiency and

Learning to be social outside of Social Media

In today's world we can easily confuse true friendships and virtual connections.  Interacting with others online is a great way to stay connected to others however, we can fall into the trap of losing our social skills.  Here are some key tips to maintaining healthy mindsets and friendships outside of social media. Make a point to smile at everyone in passing. Help standing in line become more enjoyable by engaging in conversation with the person next to you. Actually,  make a phone call to a live person weekly.   Practice introducing yourself in new environments Be open to visiting new venues, i.e. Farmer's markets, Churches, Community centers, Harvest festivals, etc. Be open to Volunteering and possibly learning a new skill Take a fun class, i.e. Dancing, Pottery, Painting, Swimming, etc. Take advantage of the time spent in the waiting room at the doctor's office or DMV to engage in a conversation with a fellow patient or receptionist. If you