
Showing posts with the label toxic relationships

Ten signs of Trauma from a Narcissist

In more recent years we have really begun to hear about Narcissists, but really they have been around since biblical times. Narcissists can be summarized as people that only care about themselves, and they are quick to discard others when they choose another supply, or you have figured them out. In general, they get a kick out of playing mental head games, and making your life a living hell.  The Trauma Trail aftermath of having a narcissist in your life:  1.  You are left feeling wiped out and in disbelief of how a person could treat and talk to you so poorly while making it to be your fault or that you deserve it. 2.  They will speak of you to others as if they are the victim and all the while they have been victimizing you, your family, loved ones, and friends. 3.  You look back and question yourself about how this happened to you because you are wise, but they are manipulating.   4.  They execute the manipulating tactics by love-bombing.  Always showering you with gifts or not

Tips to planning to live a balanced life after being traumatized in toxic relationships

STARTING FROM ZERO! After leaving or going through a few toxic relationships it can leave you feeling depleted.  You may have lost a few things financially, time, courage, and sense of worth.  You still have a purpose and much to give to this world starting with your circle moving outward.  Sometimes starting from zero is what you need to rebuild your healthy balanced life. Here are few tips to get started with putting your life on track  1.  Start with formulating your daily self care routine : doing things that bring you joy and peace.  (Long baths, walks, arts/crafts, gardening or planning a vacation).  Creating a daily schedule as a guid to keep you on track with your time, sleep, and eating habits is a great place to start. Need some items in the area of   Self Care Products  ? 2.  Surround yourself with people that uplift and encourage you.  Step out on a limb and try something different.  Create an online group, and maybe consider meeting in person.  Join an exercise class or g