
Showing posts with the label children

Balanced Living Concept for Parents raising children - Organization is KEY!

      As we all are experiencing the digital age and instant gratification demands placed on us by society. It is important to set healthy boundaries and plans to avoid burn out.  A great rule is to plan and organize your life, and teach your kids to do the same. SELF-CARE -  It is important to avoid neglecting your self-care.  You must make it a priority to refill your cup daily because running on fumes creates a challenging environment.   Consider starting your day by practicing gratitude and meditation Participate in something you enjoy daily.  (Reading, Gardening, Writing, Cooking, etc.) Take some down time daily, start with 15 minutes daily.  You may want to practice focused breathing, take a bath; sit quietly and practice mindfulness for starters. Books and Self Care Products TIME MANAGEMENT -  Penciling in your daily routine on a digital or physical calendar helps to keep the family organized, and allows you to see where there is room for flexibility. Put all appointments in a s