
Showing posts with the label LifeCoach101

Avoid Stress by aiming for a Healthy Balanced Life

  Key Points to consider when trying to live a balanced life: Avoid stress by becoming organized -  Use a paper or digital calendar to schedule your life including reminders-  Plan ahead-  Set alarms and allow ample time to prepare and be on time-  Put clothing out the night before-  Prep and label meals for a few days ahead Communicate your needs or desires - Share with family members or roommates the important role they play in achieving your goals-  Follow up with reminders via text or email-  Be kind and concise when making request Make healthier choices daily/Selfcare -  It may help to keep a food diary to have a visual of areas you want to put more effort-  Reduce sugar cravings by drinking more water, substitute water for as many drinks as possible-  Try different fruits and vegetables by integrating them into your cooking-  Increase exercise by simply walking more daily- Devote time daily to paying attention and addressing your self-care needs, i.e. more rest, a soothing bath,

Crusade For Critical Corrections-Reintegration

FALL NEWSLETTER TO INMATES October 11, 2019 Greetings Everyone and Happy Fall! As we reach out to you, we are hoping things are going as well as can be expected. There are hopes that you are settling into your Fall season just fine. Here in the Greater Sierra Nevada region it has become quite chilly. How are things in your neck of the woods? Reading Materials There have been various magazines ordered as of last month. Please write in if you have not received something by October 31, 2019. What are some reading materials you would like to receive if we are able to get those to you? Are you reading anything at the current time? Would you care to share what you like or don’t like about your current reading materials? Would you be interested in joining our bookclub? If so, please submit two possible books you would like to read and share with others . Life Coaching and Connections: As we move in a direction that leads to self sufficiency and