
Showing posts with the label Self Care

Tips on navigating a turbulent world as a single parent

#Quick #Single #Parenting #Tips 1.    Budgeting-  As we are navigating very unsettled waters as it relates to finances; jobs; lack of supply and workers;  single parents are one of the classes that tend to feel the pinch more than others.  Here a few ways to combat inflation: Coupons and digital coupons are  great ways to save on things you are already buying.  You want to signup with the loyalty programs with the stores you shop at.  When you have down time for example, waiting in a doctor's office: Clip those coupons! Rakuten - Have you signed up with Rakuten yet? It’s the best site for earning Cash Back. Get a $30 bonus when you sign up with my invite link and spend $30.    Sign up today! It's free! Make a list - of items that you are running low on, and keep it on the refrigerator or in an app.  This way when it's time to shop, you already have a list created.  Try and avoid buying things not on your list to minimize over spending your budget.  Start a Garden - A gar

Positive tips on surviving in a world filled with narcissists

Order your Self Care products Ways to Paint yourself a positive canvas of a lifestyle in the current world filled with narcissists   ( Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. ... People who show signs of narcissism can often be very charming and charismatic. They often don't show negative behavior right away, especially in romantic relationships . Dec  2, 2020  Narcissism: Symptoms and Signs - WebMD   https://www.webmd ) You have heard the old saying,  " If it sounds to good to be true, It is!"  Be sure to follow your instincts especially when you first meet people.  People do change, but not always for the better.  Be mindful of behaviors and words.  What comes from a person's mouth is embedded in their heart.  Also, some are mass manipulators and will study you to feed you what they think you want to hear.  Actions always trump words! Be sure to put out in the universe what you would like to

Dealing with the stressors of an ever changing lifestyle while raising children

​ Self Care - It is important to take time out daily for yourself to nourish your goals, inspirations, health and spirit.  It may only be an extra 15 minutes in the restroom behind a locked door daily to center yourself by meditating, praying, a bath, or recollecting your thoughts.   Do your want help with your Life Planning Build your village -  Take time to meet other like minded parents that you can learn and support.  Build a network. Safeguard your children online - Become knowledgeable of the everchanging online platforms that children frequent.  Set up parental controls. Connect with your children DAILY  -  You may not be able to connect with them with equal amounts of time, but make an effort to connect with each child on a daily basis.  It may be that car ride to school, practice or church is the only time you have to connect so make it count.  Aim to have as many meals at the table and discuss topics while having an open mind. Grow comfortable with REPEATING yourself -  Be mi

Balanced Living Concept for Parents raising children - Organization is KEY!

      As we all are experiencing the digital age and instant gratification demands placed on us by society. It is important to set healthy boundaries and plans to avoid burn out.  A great rule is to plan and organize your life, and teach your kids to do the same. SELF-CARE -  It is important to avoid neglecting your self-care.  You must make it a priority to refill your cup daily because running on fumes creates a challenging environment.   Consider starting your day by practicing gratitude and meditation Participate in something you enjoy daily.  (Reading, Gardening, Writing, Cooking, etc.) Take some down time daily, start with 15 minutes daily.  You may want to practice focused breathing, take a bath; sit quietly and practice mindfulness for starters. Books and Self Care Products TIME MANAGEMENT -  Penciling in your daily routine on a digital or physical calendar helps to keep the family organized, and allows you to see where there is room for flexibility. Put all appointments in a s

Self Care First in 2021-How to do YOU in peace!

We all know the cliches and quotes, but Self Care is really simple. It all boils down to balance in all areas of your life. "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." Always take a few moments to think before speaking, and be clear with your boundaries you set for people. Have consequences in place for those that cross your boundaries, and don't be afraid to announce them. Do the work that brings you and GOD joy. If you can't, do what you have to do without sacrifycing your morals until you get to your goal. Don't worry about what people say or think about you because they will always have something to say. Turn it around and use it for inspiration to perfect your gift and trade. Always add to your bucket list as you check things off. Remember there is "Nothing to it, but to do it!" So be like NIKE and "Just do it." When planning, no negative thinking is allowed (I can't do this.) , and no minimum wage thinking allowed (I don

Avoid Stress by aiming for a Healthy Balanced Life

  Key Points to consider when trying to live a balanced life: Avoid stress by becoming organized -  Use a paper or digital calendar to schedule your life including reminders-  Plan ahead-  Set alarms and allow ample time to prepare and be on time-  Put clothing out the night before-  Prep and label meals for a few days ahead Communicate your needs or desires - Share with family members or roommates the important role they play in achieving your goals-  Follow up with reminders via text or email-  Be kind and concise when making request Make healthier choices daily/Selfcare -  It may help to keep a food diary to have a visual of areas you want to put more effort-  Reduce sugar cravings by drinking more water, substitute water for as many drinks as possible-  Try different fruits and vegetables by integrating them into your cooking-  Increase exercise by simply walking more daily- Devote time daily to paying attention and addressing your self-care needs, i.e. more rest, a soothing bath,


Sent from my mobile. _____________________________________________________________ Patio gardening is easy. Reminder compost material: NO MEAT PRODUCTS Non shiny paper. Coffee grinds. Leaves Grass. Non oily used paper towels. Hair from comb or brush. Dyer lint. Used dryer sheets. Popsicle sticks. Paper from shredder. Kitchen uncooked fruit and veggies scraps. To keep odor and bugs down.... baking soda.  Spray bottle with a tiny bit of dish soap. Blessings 😇, Love 😍 & Peace ✌  Veronica Davis

Get help with documents needed to reset your life's course

Blessings 😇, Love 😍 & Peace ✌  Veronica Davis

Are you STRESSED? Having to adjust to an ever changing "New Normal?" or Do you just need someone to help get on track without judgment and much support?

How can scheduling your 45 minute FREE session devoted to discussing the concerns and goals you want to achieve can help bring balance into your current lifestyle? You will be able to verbalize your goals Identify possible struggles Establish where you want to be in life Be heard by someone that will have all attention focused on you Know that your communication is strictly confidential Please schedule your FREE  appointment by calling or texting 775-400-1184.  Email requests can be sent to

WINTER Newsletter for Incarcerated persons

Last Day of WINTER, Crusade 4 Critical Corrections NEWSLETTER  TO:   INCARCERATED PERSONS &  FAMILIES/FRIENDS March 18, 2020 Corona Virus-Covid19 -  This vicious virus is affecting everyone on earth in some capacity or another.  With many people on self quarantine it opens the door for loneliness. Please reach out to your friends and loved ones with a simple card, note, email, text or call.  It can be the difference from someone diving deep into the pool of depression or putting a grand smile on their face. Meanwhile, please remember to practice good hygiene and a balanced life: High 5 Keep your social distances.  2. Cover Coughs with tissue or elbow. 3. Wash your hands before meals, after going to restroom, upon coming inside, after cleaning, and after contact with others 4. Make healthier eating and drinking choices ( More fruits, vegetables, and water) 5. Get plenty of rest.  Establish a bed time and stick to it.  Avoid electronics a hour before bed.