
Showing posts with the label survival

Living a more sustainable lifestyle through gardening-COMPOSTING- Do's and Don'ts

 Are you new to gardening or want to incorporate composting to your routine? Composting is easy and sustainable.  You are using items that are already on hand while keeping items out of the landfills and enriching your soil.  You can compost in a bucket, area of yard, compost bin, or directly in container designated for planting. (Only fill half way to allow soil to cover and plant your crop.) Things to Add or Not Add to Compost Do's Start a bin on counter or under kitchen sink to collect kitchen scraps. (Coffee Cans are Excellent.) Input uncooked vegetable and fruit scraps-Avoid a lot of citrus Red Worms - they help break down compost & their castings are great natural fertilizer 💩💪 Coffee grinds-cooled & filters Used paper towels/napkins -No oil Hair from brushes/dog hair Empty vacuum into compost Used dryer sheets Dead plants (non diseased), leaves, grass clippings Add fish tank water, dead fish, and waste Don'ts Do not add oils or grease to bin No cooked foods No