
Showing posts with the label staying strong

Tough times= Demonic people and pain is all around, be mindful!

 Things to do to keep your spirits up during challenging circumstances: Stay focused on doing good things for others.  It will bring you enjoy even if you are hurting emotionally. Avoid revengeful thinking and actions as vengeance belongs to the Lord. Open up to those around you in confidence after you have gone to the Heavenly Father. Listen to your instincts about those that come around with negative vibes or malice in their hearts. Know that there are many narcissistic people/evil doers around that thrive off hurting you and seeing you emotionally  distraught.  Don’t be fooled by their tactics. Keep in mind they come in the form of family also. Create a daily self care routine that is not limited to a set bedtime, plenty of water, a fun exercise, connecting spiritually, fellowship with others, doing what you love to do career wise or educational, and healthier eating choices. Stay focused because Narcissist/the enemy will attack your children when they can’t get to you. Spend time w