
Showing posts with the label single parenting

Tips on navigating a turbulent world as a single parent

#Quick #Single #Parenting #Tips 1.    Budgeting-  As we are navigating very unsettled waters as it relates to finances; jobs; lack of supply and workers;  single parents are one of the classes that tend to feel the pinch more than others.  Here a few ways to combat inflation: Coupons and digital coupons are  great ways to save on things you are already buying.  You want to signup with the loyalty programs with the stores you shop at.  When you have down time for example, waiting in a doctor's office: Clip those coupons! Rakuten - Have you signed up with Rakuten yet? It’s the best site for earning Cash Back. Get a $30 bonus when you sign up with my invite link and spend $30.    Sign up today! It's free! Make a list - of items that you are running low on, and keep it on the refrigerator or in an app.  This way when it's time to shop, you already have a list created.  Try and avoid buying things not on your list to minimize over spending your budget.  Start a Garden - A gar

Single parenting is a challenge that can be done with organization and community.

  10 Tips to help navigate Single Parenting: Self Care - It is important to take time out daily for yourself to nourish your goals, inspirations, health and spirit.  It may only be an extra 15 minutes in the restroom behind a locked door daily to center yourself by meditating, praying, a bath, or recollecting your thoughts. Build your village -  Take time to meet other like minded parents that you can learn and support.  Build a network. Safeguard your children online - Become knowledgeable of the everchanging online platforms that children frequent.  Set up parental controls. Connect with your children DAILY  -  You may not be able to connect with them with equal amounts of time, but make an effort to connect with each child on a daily basis.  It may be that car ride to school, practice or church is the only time you have to connect so make it count.  Aim to have as many meals at the table and discuss topics while having an open mind. Grow comfortable with REPEATING yourself -  Be min

Why it takes a village to raise children contrary to “Not My Business Syndrome"

As we know raising children in current times brings on so many challenges.  Many of you may be aware of the the term, " It takes a village.... to raise children."  It is very true if you want to have success and encouragement along the way of raising children today.  Although, we have been burdened with caution due to today's climate of "Not my business syndrome", it is still our duty to invest in our future by guiding youth along the right paths of positive citizenship. Great books relating to today's youth can be found here Many times all a youth needs is to be heard and know that someone cares.  That can make a world of difference to any child.  We don't have to be experts on every topic, and showing a curiosity about what the youth you encounter on a a frequent basis is key to opening up dialogue.  Simply asking questions from a place of genuine interest and seeking insight on a topic your youth are interested in can build trust and confidence. Ways

Trying to adjust to your new normal or just need to talk?

Schedule  📅 your complimentary appointment to discuss how working with a life coach can help you set and achieve your goals. Request your free appointment  dedicated to you and your self-care. Email:  Text: 775-400-1184 Appointments are conducted by phone and video.