
Showing posts with the label balance in all areas of your life

Quality sleep and how to obtain it as a regular lifestyle.

Reflections on the things my body taught me on my Breast Cancer Journey The Most important thing I learned was to listen to my body, soul, and spiritual instincts before, during, and after my breast cancer surgeries.  It became so important to put me first and not compromise my fundamental needs.  This was a practice I had begun over the last 10 years.  I took that "People Pleasing " to a new height.  I had no boundaries as it related to going all in to help others succeed at the cost of my own balanced well being. Through it all, the fundamental thing I will not sacrifice is my quality rest ever again. Ten ways I foster good quality rest as a fundamental component of my balanced living I established a bedtime!  For me, 930 p.m. works great to allow me 8 hours or more of rest.  Of course, I adjust the time as necessary if I need to rise earlier, but I make sure I allow a minimum of eight hours of quality rest time.  There are times where I may not sleep the full eight hours,

Life Coaching and Planning

Image Relationship Recovery & Rebuilding Balanced Lives Live and Virtual Life Coaching  Individual Life Coaching-   One on One support to establish and achieve goals resulting in becoming whole and living a balanced lifestyle. Weekly sessions, 45 minutes each, by  call or video chat to discuss all life planning goals  *Daily motivational posts and access to online groups * Options available allowing scheduling within  30 days of consultation to  also include a 6 month commitment * Schedule Now   - Free initial meeting to discuss your current path and goals you wish to achieve Group Life Coaching-   Focus on overcoming emotional set backs caused by involvement in toxic relationships; set and achieve goals related to bringing lives back into a state of organic wellness and wholeness in a group setting. Monthly votes on community based group projects. Weekly meetings held Wednesdays- 9-1030 a.m. or Thursdays 4-530 p.m. * Options available allowing scheduling  within

Time for Spring Cleaning of your Mindset?

 Find out how working with a Life Coach can benefit you... Life Planning and Goal setting with Mindfulness centered around YOU!

Life Coaching Plan available for booking

 Schedule your complimentary life coaching appointment dedicated to discussing your goal setting and achieving.  Click here as there are openings for this plan.  Affordable Life Coaching Plan

Self Care First in 2021-How to do YOU in peace!

We all know the cliches and quotes, but Self Care is really simple. It all boils down to balance in all areas of your life. "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." Always take a few moments to think before speaking, and be clear with your boundaries you set for people. Have consequences in place for those that cross your boundaries, and don't be afraid to announce them. Do the work that brings you and GOD joy. If you can't, do what you have to do without sacrifycing your morals until you get to your goal. Don't worry about what people say or think about you because they will always have something to say. Turn it around and use it for inspiration to perfect your gift and trade. Always add to your bucket list as you check things off. Remember there is "Nothing to it, but to do it!" So be like NIKE and "Just do it." When planning, no negative thinking is allowed (I can't do this.) , and no minimum wage thinking allowed (I don