
Showing posts with the label narcissism

Ten signs of Trauma from a Narcissist

In more recent years we have really begun to hear about Narcissists, but really they have been around since biblical times. Narcissists can be summarized as people that only care about themselves, and they are quick to discard others when they choose another supply, or you have figured them out. In general, they get a kick out of playing mental head games, and making your life a living hell.  The Trauma Trail aftermath of having a narcissist in your life:  1.  You are left feeling wiped out and in disbelief of how a person could treat and talk to you so poorly while making it to be your fault or that you deserve it. 2.  They will speak of you to others as if they are the victim and all the while they have been victimizing you, your family, loved ones, and friends. 3.  You look back and question yourself about how this happened to you because you are wise, but they are manipulating.   4.  They execute the manipulating tactics by love-bombing.  Always showering you with gifts or not

Narcissism- what it looks likes and feels like

You may encountered narcissistic abuse as a child, on a job, in a friendship, or in a relationship.  No matter where you have been exposed to it, IT HURTS!   There is help, hope, and healing ahead of you if you are willing to do the work.  The work starts from within by identifying your boundaries, and knowing when to take action if they are crossed.   Order Now Signs that YOU are dealing with a NARCISSIST  Anger spells- tend to have a hard time keeping relationships and jobs Self centered- everything is focused on the narcissist’s agenda Will tell you everything they think you want to hear, but will discard you when they have what they want from you . Boredom and a new supply are common reasons for  discard  Quick to criticize with no sense of empathy Will try and make you look 👀 unstable to others If you listen carefully to your instincts, and watch their actions you will notice hard to believe behaviors. Many times you will doubt your intuitions because the behaviors are so cruel a

Tough times= Demonic people and pain is all around, be mindful!

 Things to do to keep your spirits up during challenging circumstances: Stay focused on doing good things for others.  It will bring you enjoy even if you are hurting emotionally. Avoid revengeful thinking and actions as vengeance belongs to the Lord. Open up to those around you in confidence after you have gone to the Heavenly Father. Listen to your instincts about those that come around with negative vibes or malice in their hearts. Know that there are many narcissistic people/evil doers around that thrive off hurting you and seeing you emotionally  distraught.  Don’t be fooled by their tactics. Keep in mind they come in the form of family also. Create a daily self care routine that is not limited to a set bedtime, plenty of water, a fun exercise, connecting spiritually, fellowship with others, doing what you love to do career wise or educational, and healthier eating choices. Stay focused because Narcissist/the enemy will attack your children when they can’t get to you. Spend time w

Is there a correlation between Narcissism and Domestic Violence?

    In today's society there appears to be a high degree of n arcissistic  people on the loose.   Narcissism is  extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them . While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people. Dec 2, 2020 Narcissism: Symptoms and Signs - WebMD     In many relationships where domestic violence is present so are many of the traits of narcissism .  The abuser can be very cunning and appear to be so kind in front of others, but behind closed doors it can be like setting up camp next to an active volcano.  Some romantic relationships can start off with a high level of love-bombing and intense affection and attention.  However, most instincts will kick in and tell the victim that something isn't right.  Many times the abuser doesn't allow the victim to breathe