
Showing posts with the label friendships

To the families that are apart of the Positive-Pen-Connect Program

Hello, I hope everyone is coping with all of the current events going on globally.  Please note, it is hectic on the outside also.  For many of us, that are of darker shades of color it is especially emotionally draining.  In addition to emotions being strained, many of us are exhausted.  Please have patience if you are not hearing from the positive pen-connects.  There is nothing you have done.  Most are protesting daily and or nightly. On top of our NEW NORMALS being changed seemingly daily.  We are forced to do more daily functions online which often impact internet speeds, shipping, and mail.  We appreciate you packing your patience and wearing a permanent smile on your face when interacting with everyone you come into contact with.  Non of our lives will ever be the same again. Please feel free to write in and ask questions that have not been answered in the FAQs or previous emails.  Please do not write in asking do you have any hits!  We notify all patrons ASAP.  We also remin

Coping with being inside during self quarantine

10 Coping tools to endure self quarantine:    Maintain your "Me Time."  Although you may be stuck inside with other family members or housemates, it is an adjustment that can go smoother by taking time for yourself.  Here are a few suggestions:   Communicate with others that you need some time alone Indulge in long baths or showers Set a time to meditate and pray in the morning and before bed Get up and do something in between commercials Develop a fun fitness routine   2.  Take advantage of the time to connect with others via social media, texts, email, face time, and telephone.  Please keep in mind the elderly, sick and shut in.   3.  Consider writing notes, postcards  or letters to loved ones that may be incarcerated, away in the military, and treatment centers.   4.  Start a hobby that you may have put off in the past.  Shop online and save on things you are buying.   Get Cash Back on things you are purchasing.   5.  Think of ways

WINTER Newsletter for Incarcerated persons

Last Day of WINTER, Crusade 4 Critical Corrections NEWSLETTER  TO:   INCARCERATED PERSONS &  FAMILIES/FRIENDS March 18, 2020 Corona Virus-Covid19 -  This vicious virus is affecting everyone on earth in some capacity or another.  With many people on self quarantine it opens the door for loneliness. Please reach out to your friends and loved ones with a simple card, note, email, text or call.  It can be the difference from someone diving deep into the pool of depression or putting a grand smile on their face. Meanwhile, please remember to practice good hygiene and a balanced life: High 5 Keep your social distances.  2. Cover Coughs with tissue or elbow. 3. Wash your hands before meals, after going to restroom, upon coming inside, after cleaning, and after contact with others 4. Make healthier eating and drinking choices ( More fruits, vegetables, and water) 5. Get plenty of rest.  Establish a bed time and stick to it.  Avoid electronics a hour before bed.

What is a Holistic Life Coach?

Integrative Life Coach= helps guide clients to work towards achieving Balance in all aspects of life Together we will: Set your personal goals, work towards sustainable change, help achieve balance within your current lifestyle encompassing, Career, Finances,  Relationships, Spirituality,  "Me Time", Health and Wellness.

Learning to be social outside of Social Media

In today's world we can easily confuse true friendships and virtual connections.  Interacting with others online is a great way to stay connected to others however, we can fall into the trap of losing our social skills.  Here are some key tips to maintaining healthy mindsets and friendships outside of social media. Make a point to smile at everyone in passing. Help standing in line become more enjoyable by engaging in conversation with the person next to you. Actually,  make a phone call to a live person weekly.   Practice introducing yourself in new environments Be open to visiting new venues, i.e. Farmer's markets, Churches, Community centers, Harvest festivals, etc. Be open to Volunteering and possibly learning a new skill Take a fun class, i.e. Dancing, Pottery, Painting, Swimming, etc. Take advantage of the time spent in the waiting room at the doctor's office or DMV to engage in a conversation with a fellow patient or receptionist. If you